Material efficiency and resource conservation

There is only limited supply of many natural resources, while worldwide demand for them is simultaneously rising. In view of the resultant shortage of resources, we are contributing by using materials efficiently by increasing recycling content and, going forward, by limiting the need of additional extraction and its impact. At LEONI, this concerns particularly such metals as copper and aluminium as well as such plastics as PVC. LEONI is making its products environmentally and socially more compatible – while keeping quality consistently high – through responsible procurement as well as sparing use and replenishment of these materials with limited availability by deploying recycled alternatives.

Key sustainability issues:

  • Responsible handling of raw materials
  • Use of recycled materials

Overarching goal:

  • Limit the need of additional extraction and its impacts and fulfilment of due diligence obligations in supply chains

Our contribution to sustainable development

Responsible consumption and production

Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns

Partnerships for the goals

Strengthening the means of implementation and filling the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development with new life

Our targets of material efficiency & resource conservation


Proportion of production materials procured from suppliers with a sustainability self-assessment


Transparency of material sustainability data and supply chains with critical raw materials by 2023

Focus on the recycling economy

LEONI's business depends on critical raw materials from our suppliers, such as the copper in our cables and wiring systems. We have therefore set ourselves the goal of constantly increasing the efficiency of the materials we use and conserving resources.

  • We take measures to increase the use of secondary raw materials and replace ecologically critical materials with sustainable substitutes.
  • Our design rules include the use of standardised materials in order to achieve improved recyclability through modular construction.
  • The handling of our waste is organised with the help of our environmental management systems, whereby we follow the principle of "avoidance as far as possible, recycling has priority over disposal" and thus promote the circular economy.

"We are taking measures at our sites all around the world on an ongoing basis in order to lower our energy demand and to cover it in a climate-friendly way."

Making the value chain more transparent

Managing material flows holistically requires, in the first instance, complete transparency within the entire value chain. This means everything from raw material extraction to materials processing and use by the customer through to disposal or recycling of the materials. To this end, we are in close touch with our suppliers and ensure adherence to ecological standards in raw material extraction in line with LEONI’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners. It is furthermore important to us to set standards together with business partners, customers and other component suppliers and to jointly work on solutions in sector initiatives, which means everything from raw material extraction to materials processing and use by the customer through to disposal or recycling of the materials.