Human Rights
Responsible handling of human rights and the environment
We strongly believe that social responsibility is a key factor in terms of the company’s long-term success. Respecting human rights and observing fundamental social principles have always been essential elements of LEONIs value-based approach to corporate governance.
Respecting and protecting human rights is one of the non-negotiable foundations of responsible and successful long-term business practices. We are committed to respecting human rights and pursue the goal of not only avoiding and punishing violations of these rights along the entire value chain, but also positively influencing the general human rights situation in our markets.
To this end, LEONI takes various measures that are closely aligned with legal requirements and internationally recognized standards such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO Core Labour Standards and the principles of the UN Global Compact.
Human Rights Risk Management System
LEONI is committed to acting responsibly towards people and the environment. Observing human and environmental rights is an ongoing process. LEONI has therefore implemented a Human Rights Risk Management System to comply with Human Rights Due Diligence, which includes the following processes:
Our responsibility for respecting human rights covers not only our own sites, but also our supply chain and our business partners. Our internal regulations as well as our Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Business Partners anchor our principles of conduct and set our expectations regarding compliance with human rights and environmental aspects. We want to identify and assess any human rights violations as early as possible and take responsible measures to end the violation or risk.
Our measures to comply with Human Rights Due Diligence Obligations
The implementation of specific measures is subject to constant review and further development depending on continually changing conditions. To this end, we have implemented a Risk Management System that includes the following measures in compliance with the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains.
We are convinced that our business can only be successfully implemented through long-term and responsible action. It is therefore particularly important to LEONI that human rights are respected and upheld in all areas throughout the Group worldwide. In our policy statement as well as in our statement on the UK Modern Slavery Act, we express the importance of human rights at LEONI and their high priority.
UK Modern Slavery Act Statement
Policy Statement Human Rights & Environment
We record our due diligence for the protection of human rights in our internal and external reporting. For example, these are set out internally in various regulations. Our responsibility for human rights is expressed in the LEONI Sustainability Report and published in our annual Communication on Progress on the UN Global Compact (CoP). In addition, we communicate respect for human rights in the statement on the UK Modern Slavery Act as well as in the Policy Statement. The fulfilment of our due diligence obligations is made publicly available in an annual report on our website.
With the help of a structured risk analysis, we systematically check which business sites can be at increased risk of potential human rights violations or environmental damage. This risk analysis is carried out event-driven and annually in order to better identify potential risks of human rights violations in the future. Beyond our own business units, risk analysis of our business partners is carried out in the form of a supplier screening.
Through our Integrity Platform, everyone has the opportunity to report, among other matters, human rights risks or violations of human rights-related obligations. The Integrity Platform is accessible both via the intranet and publicly via our website. Reports that reach us in other ways are also processed according to the same principles and processes. Every reported case of possible misconduct is carefully investigated and confirmed violations are appropriately punished where necessary.
Our Human Rights Risk Management System are regularly monitored by the Human Rights Officer and adjusted as necessary. The Executive Board is regularly informed of the results. The effectiveness of our preventive and remedial measures as well as our complaints procedure is reviewed once a year and event-driven.
In the event of increased risks or a specific suspected case of a human rights violation, which we either record with our human rights risk analysis or which reaches us through our incident reporting channels, we carefully examine the facts of the case and initiate any necessary preventive or remedial measures to prevent or end the violation or minimize its extent.